Folks often ask me, which cities do I want included in my land tour package with the cruise lines (what I prefer/what I choose).
If I had never been, I would automatically want to include Fairbanks into my package. Then when I come back in future, I may not necessarily have to choose this again (though I have several times).
FAIRBANKS. It’s fairly a plain city. Though all you may really get is the River Boat Tour and the Gold Dredge, I personally love both of these and would never go to Fairbanks without seeing BOTH !
So many people have said they love seeing Susan Butcher’s Iditarod camp from the boat ! And though the Gold Dredge is fairly commercialized, with being able to go into the store and buy many different items, that may hold your collected gold, I love the fact, that when I’m panning for gold, I’m not really in any type of creek atmosphere (like Juneau) ! If lunch is included on your tour, that’s a bonus; also if you get to go see an actual gold dredge machine; or stop to see the Alaska pipeline !
FYI, there are Bed and Breakfast places here, if doing package on your own or coming up day early ! Not suggesting where you stay, but I most definitely and highly suggest that everyone goes up a day early, even day earlier than the Cruise/Tour package begins !

FYI, my preferred choice and only way I have traveled to Denali is by the Alaska Railroad; never by motor coach or car ! I love the rail road ! This is a 4 hour trip.
DENALI. Most people automatically want to go here. You don’t necessarily have to go to Fairbanks to get there, but if not by way of Fairbanks, you’ll have to get there from at least Anchorage.
I’ve never stayed more than one night at a time. Problem is, you will not be given your schedule in advance of getting there; so you don’t know what time you arrive or how much free time you will have, other than looking at the Alaska Rail Road schedule. In essence, what I am saying, it’s possible, all you will basically have time for is a trip out into the National Park. You may want more. You may want to horseback ride, take a plane ride, water rafting, and one thing I totally love is Cabin Night (dinner & a show), and you might not even have time for this, with only one day there.
Again, I’ve only traveled to Anchorage by way of Railroad (8 hours); I have never done the motor coach (5-6 hours ? I forgot). My first time by rail, I totally loved it; many folks got board; but I was taking pictures, so I was a happy little person with all the sites !
ANCHORAGE. She doesn’t really do too much for me. I totally love flying into here and seeing the sugar coated look mountains, but a person could fly into here, before flying on over to Fairbanks, if they’re lucky or choose this. I do have a couple restaurants that I love here (Glacier BrewHouse and Sourdough Mining Company). I have to say, this last time in May, I wasn’t even really impressed with the Flea Market, which I normally love; and the shopping downtown didn’t get me too excited (but I was shopped out, cause I was about to catch my flight home). So if you’re on, such as a Princess, that is only stopping in Anchorage for lunch, this actually enough for me (usually it stops downtown, so I’m headed to the BrewHouse).

However, there are tours, nearby, that I love ! So if on your own, and possibly not really doing a cruise tour, but sailing North or Southbound, I would most definitely plan 2 nights here; rent a car ! The Seward Highway is gorgeous; the Wildlife Preserve; and Portage Glacier. If I had a lot of time, I might even drive down to Wasilla (Palin’s home area) to see the Iditarod Headquarters to ride the dog sled for $10. For hikers, going to Exit Glacier is great (Seward); but I’ve done this twice and it take 1 ½ hours, and that’s no longer for me ! Actually, I would prefer, if sailing out of Seward, to take the Alaska Railroad from Anchorage ! So for my 2
nd time, I would only do this, if it were me; however, usually I am taking groups, so I have to choose more.
As far as others stops.
SEWARD. It’s darling. Very few packages offer staying here. I’ve not stayed here, so I don’t know where the hotel is usually situated at. It’s not a must stay, just cute. You will automatically see this port, as long as you are sailing on any cruise line other than Princess (which leaves from Whittier, which is also cute).
As mentioned above, I prefer Alaska Rail Road to get to or from Anchorage; but by motor coach is good too ! There’s also a tour company out there that you can buy the motor coach transfers to include some tours (problem, if they don’t have a full bus going that day, they could call and cancel on you).
MNT MCKINLEY (with Princess). I hear this is great; my customers rave over it; I’ve yet to go here.
TELKEETNA (with Celebrity/Royal Caribbean). If you love the looks of a cabin type look for a hotel (outside) with wooded area in back to walk, quiet and peace, then this is great. There’s a deck on back and you can sit and eat or have a few drinks; was nice. I’ve done it once and for me, that was enough. My GF and associate, Bobbye, she loves this, as one of her most favorite. Not enough action for me ! I did take a jet boat ride; saw mountains and woods; had we seen some wildlife, this may have been better !
I traveled here from Denali by Alaska Railroad. Railroad, to me, is always easiest form of travel; but I can’t say that we saw much on this journey; and my customers totally seemed bored.
COPPER RIVER. I’ve not been here; it‘s between Anchorage and Seward. My GF and associate Bobbye says it’s a bumpy long road getting there and it’s like Telkeetna or Mnt McKinley.
ALYESKA. I’ve stopped hear a couple of times, yet, have not gone up on the gondola (never seems to be open when I’m there). Note, I have not seen Alyeska based on the view you see here on the left !
DAWSON CITY. I've been here. These are usually not done except on longer packages. I did like this. City is much smaller and dead than Skagway ! However, went to an area that people have bought tiny sections of land and people are searching out their gold. Also, we went to a show here. Also, went to a lounge, and when we left a midnight, it was still light !
WHITEHORSE, CANADA. Can't say much for here. Just big city. Has hospital.
And I've been to a couple other cities on these longer tours !
Though I 100% love the history and sites (and possible wildlife), that I mentioned above, on the land portion of Alaska, that’s all I like. I’m not really into the woodsie-log cabin concept or total peace and quiet and most definitely do not care to hike (afraid I would run into wild life).
I’m really just a cruise lover. I love going into the ports and then come back onboard for a great meal (with no bill) and then optional entertainment. Alaska by day and luxury at night !
So my choices for land, are truly listed above ! But honestly, unless you try each of these places yourself, you miss out … Whether you ended up liking it or not !
EVERYTHING IS AN EXPERIENCE and you should not choose to miss any of it !
Note, look at pictures on line at the above locations. This truly will help you decide ! Admit it, these pictures turned you on right ? !